Mr. Tanatpon Chaweewat, a Senior Student of Bioscience Program

Categories: sci-ข่าวเกี่ยวกับหลักสูตร

Mr. Tanatpon Chaweewat, a Senior Student of Bioscience Program joined the exchanged student program under AIMs Project. He pursued his study at University of Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Malaysia for 1 semester (September 1 2018-January 10 2019). Being an exchanged student gave Mr. Tanatpon the opportunity to learn the way of life and educational system in foreign country including the experience in developing problem solving skills especially English communication skills. When asked about his impression staying in Malaysia, he said that he was impressed by the respectfulness, politeness, and having good discipline of students over there. Even though UMS has a lot of international students studying in many programs of study, the UMS still managed to maintain the uniqueness of the University’s tradition. The important message Mr. Tanapon would like to share was having opportunity to study abroad helped him learn to improve himself through the way of living his life in another country, people surrounding, and getting himself assimilate with foreign custom and tradition. These were very valuable because he could learn to organize his life, broaden and diversify his vision and ways of thinking.

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